..this world view..

..eyes wide open..

News / Info

Week of Website resurrection

The LBB site had been broken for over a year, probably a bad install on the server but whatever it was, one could not post and it lingered there for over a year with 4 posts that worked well enough as a placeholder.

The HOL site was working but the template was one of those 1 column types that did a masterful job of burying content with only the most recent posts easily accessible.

I focused first on the HOL site, revamping it’s template, organizing menus, uploading additional fractal videos to YouTube and linking to them in posts.
There were over 50 single tracks uploaded as individual posts that I subsequently deleted and re encoded to 320 mp3’s thus juicing the overall sonic punch of the files.
The biggest change was the new wordpress template. Very visual with sliding galleries etc.. tons of options for presentation.

A few days in I was on a roll and turned my attention to the LBB site.
I knew it was broke so I went into the Dreamhost back end and deleted the db and registered a new mysql, threw in a fresh wordpress install and we were in business.

Of course this created a brand new install and required starting from scratch. I began with the easiest task, youtube links as posts then setup a couple single track posts and playlist jams. Soundcloud got into the act with a few links to tracks parked there.

I went through a few WP templates, never finding a really good one so a couple days in I decided to load the “Newsup” template from HOL site on to the LBB. It’s working ok as I type this but have every intention of finding a new and unique template eventually for the LBB site.

Having fun with this right now, they are both labors of Love and works in progress.


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